Give players one to three minutes to respond. The original version of the game has twelve categories per round, however you can shorten that amount to play a quicker game. Next, display the list of categories for the round, either by sharing the screen, or dropping the list into the chat.
Scattergories list online generator#
First, use an alphabet generator to choose a letter for the round. To play Scattergories on Zoom, gather players together on a Zoom call. Players receive one point for each unique answer, and players who list the same answer as other participants do not receive points for those answers. At the end of each round, players read responses aloud. Scattergories is a timed language game that asks players to think up words that start with a certain letter for each category in the list. Here are answers to common questions about Scattergories. Next, check out more online team building games and online board games to play with friends.
Scattergories list online free#
Feel free to add your own categories onto this list, too. You can play in person or on Zoom, and the challenge makes a fun team building exercise or way to start a meeting. Scattergories is a quick and simple game that works great for team bonding. Four letter word (in a foreign language).These topics are a mix of classic categories and brand new prompts. Here are lists of Scattergories categories to use in each round. We created a handy Scattergories letter generator to make it easy to play the game online. Traditionally, players roll an alphabet die to choose a letter for each round. These are the basic rules of the game, however feel free to tweak the rules or add your own conditions to make the game more interesting.

Here are basic instructions for the game Scattergories. Scattergories is an example of a vocabulary game and question game, as well as a team building board game. All answers must begin with the letter chosen for the round, and players have a few minutes to respond. Scattergories is a game that challenges players to come up with answers that fit within categories. You found our collection of fun Scattergories lists for teams.